Advice for Dental After-Surgery Care

smiling man

Having a dental operation can be stressful, but it’s necessary for the sake of your health and the strength of your teeth.  Before and after each operation, we’ll walk you through what you should and shouldn’t do specifically for each procedure. Here are some general instructions for after-surgery care. Rest and relax Make sure to…

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What Causes Teeth Stains?

Coffee up Close

Keeping stains off your teeth is a two part process.  Good brushing habits and regular dental cleanings with us will help keep your teeth bright and shiny.  Cutting back on certain foods such as coffee, and changing certain habits such as tobacco use, will help keep stains off your teeth.  However, there are quite a…

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Replace a Missing Tooth

Older Couple

Dental implants are a modern, conservative, and highly successful means to replace a missing tooth. While there are many reasons that patients lose teeth, implants offer a single-tooth solution! Historically, missing teeth have been replaced with bridges or dentures. Few patients warm to the idea of dentures, which can be taken in and out of the…

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Am I Using the Right Toothpaste?

Am I using the right Toothpaste

Do you make the right choice when buying toothpaste?  There are many different options in the dental care aisle, each one boasting to make your teeth stronger, whiter, or cleaner.  You want to make sure that the toothpaste you use twice a day provides the best care for your teeth.  The best way to understand…

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Flossing: Why You Should Just Do It!

Woman Flossing Teeth

Brushing and mouthwash are certainly key elements to cleaning your teeth, but there are parts of your teeth that only floss can reach. The areas between your teeth tend to be tight and compact, which makes it hard or impossible for toothbrush bristles or mouthwash to clean. That space between your teeth also holds plaque and germs,…

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Mouthwash: What’s it good for, anyway?

DIY Mouthwash

Does using mouthwash replace flossing?  Definitely not!  However, adding mouthwash to your daily homecare routine will help keep your teeth healthy and clean. But flossing, brushing, and using mouthwash every day will help keep your teeth healthy and clean. Mouthwash is an antiseptic liquid that fights bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay.  Mouthwash…

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Sports Drinks or Water from the Dental Perspective

Sports Water Bottles

Sports drinks are very popular today The popularity of sports drinks (and energy drinks) has really exploded in the last ten years. Sports drinks contain large amounts of sugar and acid (in the form of citric acid) which can and do damage tooth enamel making teeth more susceptible to decay. Gatorade was invented in 1965…

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