Understanding and Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Child at the Dentist

Visiting us for a regular check-up is critical to keeping strong healthy teeth; however, we understand that you might inadvertently cringe every time you hear the word “dentist,” and you may be putting off your appointments as a result. Dental anxiety affects 10% to 20% of all dental patients. We love seeing your smiling face…

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Tobacco Use and Your Teeth

Cigarete Pile

You’ve heard it all before-smoking is bad for your lungs, your throat, and your general health. You know that smoking causes cancer, and you probably know that smoking stains your teeth.  However most people do not know that tobacco use and your teeth are not a good combination.   There are many other oral health…

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Should I Make an Extra Trip to the Dentist?

Dental Treatment

Regularly visiting the dentist is very important to your health. It is generally recommended that you have a check-up twice a year (about six months apart) for a cleaning and to make everything is healthy. Not only does that help us catch any issues, but allows us to keep good track of your oral health…

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Common Tooth Brushing Mistakes

Family Brushing Teeth

Have you been brushing your teeth the right way?  There are many bad tooth brushing habits that you might have developed over the years without even knowing.  Next time you brush your teeth, take a moment and think about how you’re brushing.  Here are some common mistakes: Rushing the brush: Not brushing long enough You…

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Veneers for Teeth: Here’s What to Expect

Couple Hugging

Veneers for teeth are stain-resistant porcelain pieces that cover your natural teeth.  Dental Veneers are used to fill gaps between teeth and bring out the full potential of your smile.  Veneers can also strengthen front teeth that may have some cracks, helping to prevent catastrophic breaks. Maybe you have started entertaining the idea of veneers for…

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Advice for Dental After-Surgery Care

smiling man

Having a dental operation can be stressful, but it’s necessary for the sake of your health and the strength of your teeth.  Before and after each operation, we’ll walk you through what you should and shouldn’t do specifically for each procedure. Here are some general instructions for after-surgery care. Rest and relax Make sure to…

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What Causes Teeth Stains?

Coffee up Close

Keeping stains off your teeth is a two part process.  Good brushing habits and regular dental cleanings with us will help keep your teeth bright and shiny.  Cutting back on certain foods such as coffee, and changing certain habits such as tobacco use, will help keep stains off your teeth.  However, there are quite a…

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